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Introduction to Face Reading

Speaker(s) Ralph Dehner


Lake Harriet Spiritual Community, Fellowship Hall
4401 Upton Ave. South, Minneapolis, MN 55410

Time of Event:
6:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Networking/Socializing
7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Program


Open to the public:
Non-Members admission $36, Members $27

FSIM CEUs 1.5   

Introduction to Face Reading

with Ralph Dehner

Face Reading or physiognomy has been practiced for thousands of years. It means interpreting facial structure to learn about the inner person. Every face is perfect and reveals in its shape both our gifts and our challenges. I like to call our facial structure our "soul print". This information will empower the participant in situations where we often feel less than powerful - relationships, both therapeutic and personal, sitting on either side of the interview table, in team meetings and, just for the fun of it, the dating game.

Through lecture, discussion, and group exercises, participants in this 2 1/2-hour workshop will understand the history of Physiognomy, explore the therapeutic use in building relationships and in understanding work preferences and learning styles.

Ralph Dehner, BS, COTA/L is a Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant with a degree in Holistic Studies/Wellness Management and is a regular presenter at local and state and international conferences. In 2005, Ralph completed his studies in Physiognomy with best-selling author and international lecturer Rose Rosetree. He has done Physiognomy workshops and presentations at the Ohio Occupational Therapy Conference, throughout the United States as well as in Seoul, So. Korea and Sidney, Australia. Ralph has consulted with HR departments on hiring decisions and diversity training.

Ralph also is a Certified Tai Chi Master/Trainer and Qi Gong Instructor and Master/Teacher and practitioner of several forms of energy healing techniques and hold regular workshops to train health car providers and other interested people.