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December 31, 2015   


The New Year is fast approaching! We hope you have plans to celebrate the transition into 2016, whether it be quietly, with friends, or joining celebrations throughout the country and the world.

It is also the time of year when we take pause to evaluate what meets our goals and passions. Three principles of Feng Shui to guide us are: 1. All things are Alive 2. All things are Connected. 3. All things Change. Whether it is your home, your workspace, or an aspect of your life, be encouraged to take a fresh look at what supports you.

At this time if you haven't registered for the 2016 ANNUAL MEETING please do so HERE

This is the time to renew your 2016 ANNUAL FSIM MEMBERSHIP if you haven't already done so. The FSIM Board values your membership. If you haven't renewed, please  RENEW HERE NOW!

We look forward to your continued membership to keep the Feng Shui community ALIVE, CONNECTED, and to embrace CHANGE.

The 2016 Red Fire Monkey is full of curiosity, creative energy, heightened activity, mischievousness, intelligence and strong-mindedness. Bring your Monkey energy to FSIM!!

We look forward to seeing you in 2016!
People Born in the Year of the Monkey

Leonardo da Vinci, Pope John Paul II, Harry S. Truman, Eleanor Roosevelt, 
Mick Jagger, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Mel Gibson, Diana Ross.

Please Join Us for FSIM Annual Meeting!

Our FSIM "holiday" tradition centers on the Annual Meeting...coming up on January 12, 2016! 

As always, this year we will honor some of our
long-standing traditions (festive gathering, cash bar,
light appetizers, packed agenda, vendors with lovely items for sale). 

We are looking forward to Carole's presence among us and hearing her perspective on The Evolution of Feng Shui: Where it Stands Today. To make the evening even more special we are welcoming both Hinda Abrahamson, President Emerita, and Andrew Hong, founding Vice-President to participate in the meeting. 

Stay Connected and Celebrate the Year of the Monkey.....

Elaine Anderson,
FSIM President


January 12, 2016

:  6pm-7pm  Networking/Socializing/Shopping
7pm-9pm Meeting/Presentation
Location:  The Marsh 15000 Minnetonka Boulevard
Minnetonka MN 55345     952.935.2202
Carole Hyder, MA  International Feng Shui Expert
President Emerita FSIM   www.carolehyder.com 
Topic:  The Evolution of Feng Shui: Where it Stands Today

Please join FSIM in celebration of the New Year, speaker Carole Hyder, and a preview of upcoming events in 2016. We are excited to see you, connect, and network at our Annual Meeting. New to Feng Shui? FSIM? We would love for you to join us at the Annual Meeting. 

Want to become a member? This is the perfect time to join! See our Membership links above. 
Members:  $27
Guests:  $45 (open to the public)


We are fast approaching the New Year. Please take the time to renew your membership now!

Renewing now accomplishes three good things:
  • Supports FSIM financially
  • Helps us as an organization to plan accordingly for next year's activities
  • Connects  the Feng Shui Community.                                                                                                                                                                                    
    We look forward to your support, involvement and passion for Feng Shui. 
APRIL 12, 2016  
To Be Announced
JULY 12, 2016 
Lyndall Johnson, M.A., L.P.,  Aslan Institute
OCTOBER 11, 2016  
Panel Discussion with Practicing Feng Shui Design Professionals

All meetings are held at the Marsh.

Here's to the Year
of the Monkey!

The FSIM Board of Directors
thanks all of you for a wonderful 2015.  

We wish you joy, happiness,excitement,
peace and abundance in 2016.
Board of Directors,

Feng Shui Institute of the Midwest
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