The Feng Shui Institute of the Midwest (FSIM) respects and honors the privacy of our members and visitors. We strictly adhere to this policy for your protection.
The Feng Shui Institute of the Midwest Privacy Policy: Our website collects names, email addresses, and other personal information from members and subscribers only when submitted via one of our online sign-up forms, such as the FSIM newsletter and email subscription form or our FSIM membership registration form. Newsletter and Email lists are maintained by Constant Contact. Membership lists are maintained by FSIM. This data is used solely by the Feng Shui Institute of the Midwest and is not shared, traded, rented or sold to third parties. We strongly believe in business integrity in all our dealings with our members and the public.
Our website contains links to other websites including, but not limited to, our community partners. Please note that when you click on one of these links, you are entering another website, for which the Feng Shui Institute of the Midwest is not responsible for either the content or privacy practices of such other sites.
By using the website, you signify your agreement to the Feng Shui Institute of the Midwest Privacy Policy as stated. Note that this policy may be revised periodically without notice. Please re-read this policy prior to submitting any personal information if you have concerns about how your information is being collected and used.
Note that the Feng Shui Institute of the Midwest does not currently handle or store direct payments or financial information on our website; you will be routed to Constant Contact and/or PayPal(BrainTree), our service providers, to complete your transaction. Please see Privacy Policies for Constant Contact and PayPal on their websites.
If you wish to be removed from FSIM newsletters or emails but remain an FSIM member, please either follow the “unsubscribe” prompts at the bottom of the Constant Contact newsletter or email, contact Constant Contact directly, or, if you are an FSIM member, sign in to our site and change your email and newsletter preferences.
If you are a member (starting in 2018, “members” include newsletter subscribers only, as well as all FSIM membership levels) and wish to discontinue membership and have all of your personal information permanently removed from FSIM’s systems, and all future individual contact from FSIM discontinued, or have any questions about the operation of our website, please write to
Please note that we may need to retain certain information for recordkeeping purposes or to complete transactions, or when required by law.
We might use the information collected in the following ways: